Virtual  School Pakistan (VSP) – Fostering the Love of learning

Virtual School Pakistan

A Proven Homeschooling Method for Muslim Parents

Self-Paced Learning

Nurturing happy learners for life with our self-paced, stress-free leaning model

Empowering Parents

Empowering parents to enable self-learners through our guided homeschooling system that includes a blend of online and physical learning resources.

Learner’s Resource Kit:

Children are sensory learners and our resource kits include material that will keep your child engaged for longer with hands-on activities.

Trusted Content

Find content to meet your child’s learning objectives in 7 core subjects, developed by a team of Seasoned Educationists under the guidance and supervision of Madam Safoora Naeem.

Meet your child’s daily learning objectives in less than 60 minutes a day

A school certificate may be given at the request of the parents after completing the whole course prescribed for 1 year

Learning Programs

“Learning Designed For Your Child’s Individual Needs”

VSP makes it simple by empowering you with a well-planned roadmap to help you meet your child’s learning objectives in 7 core areas.  Your child’s skill level may fall into a combination of different grades for each subject; for example he/she may be grade 1 level Math and Urdu but grade 2 level for other subjects.  VSP gives you and your child the freedom to select the appropriate grade level for each subject (course) and gives you the freedom to pick and choose subjects (courses) from any age level based on your child’s individual learning needs. 

Self-Paced Learning

Self-Paced Learning = Stress Free Learning

Every child is born with a unique blend of talents and skills; no two children are alike in their learning journeys.  The schooling system and classroom set up can be limiting in terms of catering to a child’s individual learning needs and fostering their innate curiosity. 

With the help of VSPs self-paced learning model,

Together we can nurture happy learners for life.

Our self-paced homeschooling program includes:

  • VSP Learner’s Online Portal
  • VSP Learner’s Resource Kit

VSP Learner’s Online Portal

An online portal to guide the parents through videos and written instructions; empowering the parent to teach their child at a pace that is comfortable for both.  Each lesson is delivered to meet targeted learning objectives through the online portal with:

  • List of target objectives
  • Interactive videos
  • Task Sheet outlining the assignments and projects
  • Printable resources (if needed)
  • Online quizzes and activities to reinforce targeted learning objectives 
  • Analytics for parents to gauge their child’s progress through badges and reports

VSP Learner’s Resource Kit

The VSP learner’s resource kit provides all the tools that your child will need in order to achieve the targeted learning objectives for each subject (course), including:

  • Textbooks, Notebooks and Workbooks
  • Flash Cards / Learning Cards
  • Leveled Readers
  • Duas, Hadith, and Names of Allah
  • Hands on Activities……. and more

Empowering Parents

“Empowering parents to enable self-learners!”

VSP brings to you a complete homeschooling solution for your child within the comfort of your home. Our program offers a unique hands-on solution that combines physical learning resource kits along with an online portal to empower parents to be the guide that their child needs. Our solution empowers you to stay on top of your child’s progress and skill development each step of the way. 

In Addition to learning resources for your child, our team is equipped to provide support to you because we believe that stress-free parents raise happy learners. Our parent support system includes:

VSP Learner’s Resource Kit:

Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher, said: “I hear, and I forget, I see, and I remember, I do, and I understand.”

Technology has made learning accessible to all through multiple online platforms; however, the need for physical learning tools in the early years is of paramount importance.  Children are sensory learners and our learning resource kits include material that will help your child be involved for longer through engaging hands-on activities.  

Our curriculum development team has carefully curated grade wise and subject wise resource kits comprising  text books, work books, flash cards and much more. The VSP Learner’s Resource Kit provides all the tools that your child will need in order to achieve the targeted skills and learning objectives at each stage.

Trusted Content

Find content to meet your child’s learning objectives in 7 core subjects

Virtual School Pakistan is founded on the educational principles and objectives developed by seasoned, veteran educationists, under the direct guidance of Mrs. Safoora Naeem, Ex Director Usman Public School System and a founding member of Educational Research Institute (ERI).  As the CEO of VSP, she brings with her all the acquired knowledge and insights gained during her executive roles at ERI, Usman Public school System and The Inspiration Model School.  Under her direction, Educational Research Institute – ERI has achieved the following milestones:

Through VSP, Mrs. Safoora Naeem  is offering a homeschooling solution directly to parents to empower them to raise self-sufficient and self-directed learners. 

Team VSP will be guiding you every step of the way.

Dr. Maroof Bin Rauf Assistant Professor Department of Education University of Karachi | President Society for Social Sciences & Research Association - SSSARA

The process of teaching and learning continues from the creation of the first man in the universe and will continue till the last man. But more importantly, education is not possible without research. This is the reason why centuries of human history have progressed today. Research is the fundamental difference between the rise and fall of nations.


I have a long association with ERI, a leading educational research institute in Pakistan. ERI is one of the founders of research in school education in Pakistan and laid the foundation for research at a time when it was not common here. In today's age of materialism, ERI research, the resulting curricula and training have nurtured millions of minds and made them aware of their purpose of life. This system of education has played a very important role in my teaching base.


I pray to Allah to enable ERI to do more work on an ideological basis as per the requirements of modern era and to reward all those who are associated with it.

 آمین ثم آمین

Ms. Rafia Javed Mallah Registrar, Directorate of Inspection & Registration of Private Institutions Sindh (DIRPIS)

I feel great pleasure to admire and recount the valuable services rendered by Education Research Institute (ERI) to spread deep rooted knowledge among the youths of nation, in the most befitting manner.

The institute has been striving to let the teachers and the taught realize that the true essence of education is the root cause of progress and prosperity of the human beings and to enable them to face the challenges of life aptly.   

To this effect, tireless efforts of Mrs. Safoora Naeem-Incharge of the institution are highly commendable. Under her able guidance / supervision, the institute is serving the purpose of a MENTOR by imparting knowledge through most modern and research-based methodologies of giving specific trainings/ guidelines related to the aim of getting education and building the habits of mind to acquire knowledge in a perfect, precise way and according to the modern lines. Her devotion to the noble cause of adoring common man with the ornaments of education, suiting to the time and occasion deserves all applause.

I wish her every success in her mission of making ERI an exemplary hub of research based modern education not only in Pakistan but all over the world.

پروفیسر محمدعلی اکبر تعلیمی قابلیت :ایم اے اردو ، بی۔ ایڈ، سی۔ٹی۔ مصروفیات: پاکستان شپ اونرز گورنمنٹ کالج میں تدریسی فرائض کی انجام دہی اہم تخلیقی اُمور کی تفصیل: ۱۔اردو روشنی سلسلہ(جماعت اوّل تا ہشتم کی درسی کتب)، ناشر :سائنٹیفک پبلیشرز ۲۔ہماری اردو (نرسری تا او لیول کی درسی کُتب)، ناشر : التربیہ انٹر نیشنل ۳۔ کاروانِ اردو (جماعت نرسری تا ہشتم کی درسی کتب)، ناشر :پیراماؤنٹ پبلیشرز ۴۔ اردو کہانی سلسلہ (جماعت اوّل تا ہشتم کے طلبہ کے لیے کہانیاں) ، ناشر :پیراماؤنٹ پبلیشرز ۵۔ کاروانِ اسلام(زیرِ طبع) (جماعت نرسری تا ہشتم اسلامیا ت کی درسی کتب)، ناشر :پیراماؤنٹ پبلیشرز

تعلیمی و تحقیقی مرکز ( ای۔ آر۔ آئی) میری نظر میں

انسان کی تخلیق کے ساتھ ہی اس کی تعلیم و تعلّم کا سلسلہ شروع ہوگیاجو بہ دستور جاری ہے اور تا قیامت جاری رہے گا۔ اِنشأاللہ!   

طلبہ کو تعلیم وتربیت سےآراستہ کرنا ایک نہایت حسّاس ، اہم،لطیف اور بے حد صبر آزما عمل ہے۔  مملکتِ خداداد میں ایسے کئی ادارے ہیں جو علم و آگہی کی شمعیں فروزاں کرنے میں ہمہ وقت مصروفِ عمل ہیں۔  ان مثالی اداروں میں ایک اہم ادارہ تعلیمی و تحقیقی مرکز ( ای۔ آر۔ آئی)بھی ہے اور اگر میں اِسے بہت سے پیشہ ورانہ تربیت کے اداروں کی ماں کہوں تو اس میں ذرّہ برابر بھی مبالغہ آرائی نہ ہوگی۔  آپ اس شہر بلکہ ملک کے ایسے اداروں کی فہرست مُرتب کرتے جائیں تو ان سے جُڑے بیش تر افراد کے تانے بانے ( ای۔ آر۔ آئی)سے آکر ملتے چلے جائیں گے۔  جو یا تو اس ادارے سے وابستہ رہے ہیں، اس سے تربیت حاصل کرچکے ہیں یا بالواسطہ طور پر اس سے متاثر ہیں۔  غرض یہ کہ ( ای۔ آر۔ آئی)اس راہ میں وہ پہلا چراغ تھا جس سے علم و آگہی کے بہت سے چراغ مہمیز ہوئے۔ 

مجھے اس ادارے کے قیام کی دُرست تاریخ تو معلوم نہیں لیکن اس کے اغراض و مقاصد سے بہ خوبی آگاہ ہوں۔  اِس ادارےمیں اساتذہ کی تربیت اور کُتب کی تصنیف و تالیف کے ذریعے مستقبل کے معماروں کو خلیفۃ اللہ فی الارض کے اصل منصب پر فائز کرنا ، مقصدِ اوّلین ہے اور دیگر تمام کوششیں اِس مقصدِ عظیم کے حصول  کی اہم کڑیاں ہیں۔

میرا  ای۔ آر۔ آئی سے تعارف ؁۱۹۹۶میں ہُوا جب میں عثمان پبلک اسکول سسٹم میں اُردو کے اُستاد کی حیثیت سے منسلک ہوا ۔  تقرّری کے کچھ ہی دن بعد اس ادارے میں پہلی تربیت نشست میں شرکت کی تو اس ادارے کی مہتمم مادام صفوریٰ نعیم سے ملاقات ہوئی ۔  اس ملاقات کے بعد منکشف ہوا کہ علم کیا ہے؟ تدریس کِسے کہتے ہیں اور اس کا دائرہ کار کس قدر وسیع ہے اور سب سے بڑھ کر یہ کہ اُستاد کیسا ہونا چاہیے؟ پہلی ہی ملاقات کے بعد مادام صفوریٰ نعیم میری آئیڈیل بن گئیں اور میں آج بھی نہایت فخر سے انہیں اپنا اُستاد کہتا ہوں ۔ ان کی مشفقانہ قیادت سے یہ ادارہ روز بہ روز ترقی کرتا چلا گیا ۔  اساتذہ کی تربیت ، تعلیمی تحقیق کے ساتھ ساتھ درسی کُتب کی تصنیف و تالیف کا سلسلہ دراز ہوتا چلا گیا۔ ایک زمانہ تھا کہ مادام رضیہ شمس الدین، مادام راحیلہ وقار، مادام سجیلا ابرار اور مادام رضیہ خلجی، مادام اسما جبار جب کہ مردوں میں جناب محمد نسیم صدیقی مرحوم، جناب معین الدین نیّر، جناب انتصار احمد غوری، جناب منصور خالد، جناب محمدراشد اور جناب نصراللہ شجیع شہید جیسے گوہرِ نایاب اس ادارے کی چھتری تلے علمی خزینوں کو دو چند کرنے لگے ۔  بعد ازاں مجھ ناچیز کو بھی ان قد اور شخصیات کی رفاقت نصیب ہوئی اور اس پلیٹ فارم سے ملک بھر میں تربیت استاتذہ کا اعزاز حاصل ہوا۔

درسی کُتب کی تصنیف وتالیف کے ضمن میں انگریزی کی وژن اردو کی ابتدائی جماعتوں پری پرائمری کی کتابوں اور بالخصوص اسلامیات کی درسی کُتب نے بے مثال مقبولیت حاصل کی اور نونہالانِ وطن کے علم و عمل اور اسلامی بصیرت میں کلیدی کردار ادا کیا۔

ای۔ آر۔آئی۔ آج بھی قائم و دائم ہے گو کہ بہت سے افراد اب اس وابستہ نہیں ہیں مگر جو فکری بصیرت انہوں نے اس ادارے سے حاصل کی اسے اب وہ اپنے طور پر کسی نہ کسی میدان میں بھرپور طریقے سے استعمال کرتے ہوئے مکک و ملت کی تعمیر و ترقی کے لیے اپنے حصے کی شمعیں روشن کررہے ہیں۔ محمد نسیم صدیقی صاحب کو اللہ تعالیٰ غریقِ رحمت فرمائے ان کی خدمات  ای۔آر۔آئی کے لیے ہمیشہ آبِ زر سے لکھی جائیں گی اور اللہ تعالیٰ ان خدمات کو اپنی بارگاہ میں قبول فرماتے ہوئے یقیناً ان کے درجات بلند فرمائے گا۔

اپنی اُستاد مادام صفوری ٰ نعیم کے لیے دُعاگوہوں کہ اللہ تعالیٰ ان کو صحت و ہمت عطا فرمائے اور آپ اسی طرح علم و آگہی کی شمعیں فروزاں کرتی رہیں اور یہ ادارہ خوب ترقی کرتے ہوئے اپنے اصل مقصد کو حاصل کرنے میں سرخ رُو ہو۔ آمین

بتاریخ: ۱۰ اگست ؁۲۰۲۱

Frequently Asked Questions

VSP’s Learning Solution can help you in the following areas:

  • Guided homeschooling that allows your child to learn at his/her own pace
  • Skill Reinforcement in subjects where you child needs extra help
  • Preparation for school entry tests

Yes! Free trials are available for each course which include a brief peek into how the lessons are planned and delivered. You will need to sign up to get immediate access to free trials of all courses offered.

You will find a skill break up for each course organized into grades and subjects.  Go through the skills and see which course your child would need to take based on his/her skill level in that particular subject.  As our homeschooling solution is self-paced, your child may excel and learn at a faster pace than in school and may end up in different grade levels for various subjects. 

Our payment model gives you the freedom and flexibility to choose from the enrollment options detailed below.  Each subject in a grade is divided into a number of modules based on the curriculum design. You may enroll your child in all subjects in a grade or select the subjects of your choice. You have the following enrollment options for your child:
  1. Enrollment in all subjects in a grade
  2. Enrollment in a single subject
  3. Enrollment in different subjects across different grades
In order to register your child in the desired subjects, you will need to select the appropriate course, based on grade and subject, in the parent registration window.  Your child will receive a unique log in and password once all enrollment criteria has been completed and successful payment is made. Your child will automatically be enrolled in module 1 of the course that you choose. In order to qualify for the next level, and for the next module to be accessible, your child will need to complete all tasks within the present module. At this time your next payment for the next module will be due, if you have not already purchased it. For example; your child is enrolled in Pre School 1 (PS 1) – English.  Initially, you can pay for either only the first module or purchase multiple modules (Discounts apply …. See point number 5).  Upon 100% completion of all coursework, including tasks, assignments and assessments within the module, your child will move on to the next module. You will receive a prompt to make payment for the next module of PS1 – English, if not already paid for. Note: you may choose subjects from across different grade levels depending on your child’s needs. *Each course will start with module 1 and your child will need to go through the entire coursework in all modules to achieve a certificate of completion for that course.

Yes! Discounts are applied when 5 or more modules are purchased at a time. Discounts will be calculated on the final bill at the time of payment.  If you want to avail these discounts make sure to select 5 or more modules at each payment cycle.

Bundle Offers

Full Course

10% discount

5 or more modules

10% discount


1)   Modules can be purchased within 1 subject or across multiple subjects

2)  Access to subsequent modules within a course is restricted and subject to the following conditions:

      a) 100% task completion of the current module

      b) Successful payment of the next module

Our curriculum development team has carefully curated grade-wise and subject-wise resource kits comprising textbooks, workbooks, flashcards and much more. The VSP Learner’s Resource Kit provides all the tools that your child will need in order to achieve the targeted skills and learning objectives at each stage. 

The registration process will be complete once payments for the selected subject and resource material are made. You will receive an email with your child’s login information.  Please keep this information handy for the future.

The resource material will be shipped to your given mailing address (delivery charges may apply)

  1. Login to the portal, select a subject and read the learning objectives listed for the module selected.
  2. Watch the interactive video with your child. You and your child may need to watch the videos multiple times for your child to fully grasp the module objectives.
  3. Assist your child in completing the given tasks and assignments using resources from the VSP’s Learner’s Resource kit.
  4. Once you are sure that your child is ready to move forward, you may evaluate your child with the help of the games at the end of each module. These games are designed to assess the child’s learning for the targeted skills at each module.
  5. The parent will mark each task after completion in order for the child to move on to the next module.

Your child is ready to move on to the next module if he/she:

  1. Has clearly grasped the skills highlighted in the objectives for the module
  2. Has performed all tasks listed in the Task Sheet
  3. Is able to play the games effectively and within a reasonable time frame
  4. Has achieved 100% completion badge for the present module
  5. Received a printable certificate of achievement for the present module

Note: At the end of the course (subject) your child will receive a completion certificate.

Online schools in Pakistan are still in a stage of infancy and the regulatory bodies have not created any registration procedures for this as yet. In the absence of such a framework, the experience and registration of our physical schools may be leveraged for certification if needed. Please email us at for further information.

Virtual School Pakistan meets all of the Single National Curriculum requirements along with all educational standards that Educational Research Institute (ERI) has proven to uphold and deliver through its affiliate schools, such as: Usman Public School System and The Inspiration Model School.

Our payment model is module based; you can choose to discontinue any time by not making subsequent payments for further modules.

Note: All payments made and resources purchased (VSP’s Learner’s Resource Kit) are nonrefundable. 

The pricing is designed to be flexible and pocket friendly for the parents. Keeping this in mind the courses are divided into modules and parents have the freedom to make payment for 1 module of each course/subject that their child is registered in.  We also offer discounts on the purchase of 5 or more modules, from either one course or spread across multiple courses.  For pricing details and free trials please sign up or drop us an email at

Get In touch

Mailing Address: F-77, Block B, North Nazimabad, Karachi
